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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  August 25, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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good morning. welcome to a brand new. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us. let's check in with mark who is in for steve clark. >> reporter: good morning. you will encounter some wet roadways especially right around the bay. temperatures ranging from the low 60s to the upper 80s to right around 90 degrees. a quick look at traffic with sal. >> reporter: good morning. things are getting back to normal as they have picked up some of the road work.
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we are looking at the commute that's going to be busy on 880. let's go back to the desk. barry bonds is said to return to federal courtroom this morning. last night he made a rare appearance at at&t park. in just a few hours his lawyer will try to persuade a judge to throw out his obstruction of justice conviction or grant him a new trial. bart is creating new policies for when it might cut off underground cell phone service in the future. a three hour meeting was held yesterday on the controversial issue and about a protest that was following. in the future bart will interrupt cell phone communication during extreme circumstances such as a bomb threat or hostage situation. they will also consult the aclu
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on creating the new policy. >> your counter protest strategy is failing miserably. >> our job is your job. we take pride in the fact that we are responsible for getting people too and from in a safe, reliable manner. >> protesters say there will be more demonstrations until they bus band the police force. a hurricane watch is covering the outer banks of north carolina. it extends from north of surf city. right now hurricane irene is near the bahamas. it's packing 115 miles per hour winds. irene could become a category 4 hurricane late tonight or tomorrow with at least 131 miles an hour winds and may reach north carolina by saturday. voluntary evacuations are understoodway along north carolina's outer banks ahead of
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hurricane irene. coming up for you at 5:15, we'll bring do you a live report on how the whole east coast is bracing for hurricane irene. firefighters in lincoln allowed the rail car fire to burn itself out this morning. crews reignited it to cause the vapors caught in a tank to burn away. a mandatory evacuation order was lifted at mid might. tara is live with the details. good morning. >> reporter: he always said if he wasn't able to meet his duties, he would be the first
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to let us know and it looks like he's done it. he turned in his resignation to the board and recommended tim cook as his replacement. the announcement marks an ento one of the most extraordinary careers in u.s. history. >> reporter: apple store openings like this one in berkeley last saturday create a bit of hysteria. jobs not only cotowned apple and the personal computer industry along with it but decades later he played a key part in reshaping the community. >> i think apple will continue not just being the wealthiest company on earth but being the
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most impactful computer company on the planet for the next 25 years. >> jobs will stay on as chairman. he's been on medical leave since january. two years ago he took a leave of absence saying he had a hormone imbalance. later it was revealed he had a live transplant. we will see more of the impact of jobs departure next month when apple is rumored to release the iphone 5. >> the fallout is already hitting the stock market. also the stock of some of
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apple's rivals has been boosted especially in asia. we have posted steve jobs resignation letter for you to see. it's on our channel 2 website. go to and look under the steve jobs tab. several community groups are suing the city 06 san francisco over the battle of cable bobs. critics say the cable boxes are an eyesore. the bay area's foggy weather is causing frustrating delays. we are joined byine with the
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job. you can't see the north tower which is right behind me. it isn't unusual for this time of year or really any time of year. this is the problem. you take a look at what it's doing, it's making every surface wet. they want to do this major project where they will do a complete paint job for the bridge. this isn't just a cosmetic day job. if you look at it they use 5000 to 10,000-gallons a year pointing this bridge. when it's this wet, it's too wet to get the project underway. it's unclear when they will started. obviously a huge project and
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mother nature isn't cooperating. want to check back in with sal and look at traffic. people probably spry ever surprised about slightly wet weather out there. >> reporter: give yourself plenty of extra time. plenty is a relative term. another ten minutes, if you can this morning, just to slow it down. this is a look at # 0 westbound. no squamoproblems if you are driving on 80 west. if you are driving on 280 northbound it's a nice drive. let's go to mark. the fog really making a comeback overnight and even some business l as you
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mentioned up showing close line. we have some patchy fog heading inland. for nothing and lit be cooler tomorrow. not much change and a little bump in the numbers but nothing too extreme. we'll be cooler for today. the beach is not much changed around the bay. skies becoming partly sunny. inland neighborhoods clearing skies and temperatures on the warm side. even a few patches inland will put this into motion. you'll see what happens as we take this into the afternoon hours. this is the story we have been repeating the past few weeks. got a bit of fog hugging the
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bay area coastline. here is a look at the numbers. clear lake. 9 # degrees this afternoon. fair feel at 89. oakland lower 70s. here is a look ahead of your extended forecast with your week all in view with temperatures cooling off a bet for friday and we warm up by the week. saturday and sunday warmest locations around the 90-degree mark. time now 5:09. an e-mail outage at san francisco city hall. what investigators say caused that problem. a vote scheduled today at the united nations that could mean big money for the rebels in libya. getting up to do a little
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pass. no major problems. i'll tell you more about the morning commute, coming up.
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scott mcfar land is in our washington, d.c. news room where he's been talking.
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>> reporter: fee fema is setting up stations. they are telling local communities to begin executing emergency plans, evacuations already underway along the coast of north carolina. in the meantime we're told the federal communications commission is sending teams to boston an atlanta to be in position to repair damaged cell phone towers. fema's big fear is the hurricane is targeting cities unacostumed to hurricanes. >> we are taking the steps to ensure that the city is prepared. >> reporter: we learned the u.s. navy is shipping its second fleet out to sea to better protect the ships
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against the wind an rain that irene is certain to bring along the east coast. a noontime vote today by the un security council to unfreeze $1.5 billion in assets and give that money to the rebels. the united states is pushing to unfreeze that money. back in march the government froze the assets as part of the effort to pressure muammar gadhafi to stop attacking the libyan people. rebels are still fighting. there's a 2 million-dollar bounty for muammar gadhafi dead or alive. this morning governor jerry brown will announce what he is
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calling job creation legislation. the governor is proposing to tighten the corporate tax formula. in basic cheap he's offering businesses sales tax exemption. governor brown needs support protesters two republicans in each house and that is something he was unable to do in his state budget fight earlier this year. our time now 5:16. the fbi is investigating allegations that families of 9/11 were the target of a
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british phone hacking scandal. attorney general met with some of the families yet in washington, d.c. >> promises us today that there would be full justice if the allegations are true, which we hope they are not. >> the news of the world shut down because of another phone hacking scandal. back over to sal to check on traffic. >> reporter: traffic is doing well. you can see traffic is moving along verywell..
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live look or a look at our maps here. this is highway 17. it's still early but aye love to hear from you. you can reach me many, many ways. let me move this up here. san jose, that traffic is moving along nicely and so is # 5 and 17. at 5:17, let's go to mark. good morning to you 678 plenty of clouds out there. even some business l so you will encounter some wet roadways. current numbers mainly in the 50 #-s to lower 60s.
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around tennessee bay skies becoming partly sunny. temperatures on the warm side, mid to upper 80s maybe approaching the 90-degree mark. you can see the satellite here and the circulation. we also talk about the forecast tracks. here is a look that the hurricane center looks at. they look at which models perform the strongest and they come up with their own tract and this is it. winds right now 115 miles an hour. moving into the northwest at 1. here is that track i was talk about for friday and then into sunday. very close to the north carolina clothesline. looks like saturday having with winds of 105 miles per hour.
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over the weekend for sunday night dissipating into a tropical storm somewhere close to boston and will continue to move on this track as an area of low pressure. this could change. we'll keep an eye on that over the next few days. for the coast, clouds and drizzle this morning. around the bay mostly cloudy skies this morning. skies backing partly sunny. these numbers about two to four degrees cooler than yesterday's highs. a look ahead at your extended forecast with your week always in view. a little bit warmer by the week. another weather check in a few minutes. overnight in raise most markets posted gains. many tech companies that are rivals of apple got a boost from news that steve jobs is
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stepping down as ceo. checking in on our numbers. apple stock looks like it will open down. the news coming after the closing bell yesterday. the increase in confident has send stocks up. gold prices fell $104 an ounce. another reason cold may be down is fears over a gold bubble. a bay area car dealership offering a freebie. how they are responding to a growing crime problem. good morning. if you are driving on 237 any time soon it should be a pretty
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nice drive crossing the valley. i'll tell you more about this, coming up. ok, kids, our cable will let us record one more show.
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who should get it? i really love jennifer. yeah, she's great. yeah. yeah. kyle's got that thick head of hair. and that should be rewarded. ok, moment of truth. on "three," say which kid you love the most. oh, fun, yeah. 1...2...3... jennifer. jennifer. whoa. wow. ha! she's so pretty. yeah. or, we give it to kyle. it's really all he's got. [ male announcer ] switch to at&t u-verse and record four shows all at the same time. just $29 a month for 6 months. at&t.
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just $29 a month for 6 months. good thursday morning. some cloud cover. afternoon high is 88 degrees. new information on the latest tragedy. the hiker that died this week
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was ryan leader. he fell more than 2000 feet to his death while hiking on the half dome monday evening. >> tuesday we were able to spot his body via a helicopter and rangers hiked up to him. we retrieved the body. >> this has been the deadliest year in yosemite. the streams and the rivers were all swelling. car owners who own toyota trucks and forerunners can get free protection from a very expensive problem. nay will install special hardware. the car dealer will add tracking number on that device. the offer expires september 20th. police say thefts are on the
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rise and those thieves selling the semiprecious metals. new software should ease some of the concerns. some passengers say they are more concerned with safety than with the scanning images. >> i suspect it's an improvement. i didn't mind the other that much because it didn't seem inintrusive to me. >> they're trying to protect everyone. i wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that was happening to me. >> the new software which shows more agree neverric images. they will roll out software for the other scanners sometime next year. a violent home invasion the
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east bay. police searching for the people who broke into the home and attacked the woman. also while many college campuses are cutting classes, why uc berkeley plans to add them. traffic on northbound 280 is moving along well. another update, straight ahead.
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good morning to you. did you know it's thursday? it's dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. i did have to use my wind shield wipers a bit. >> reporter: some wet roadways out there. drizzle pushing back into the bay area. you'll note that coastline around the bay. with more cloud cover out there be extra careful. i'll have more on that dodge up. sal now has an update on traffic. >> reporter: right now westbound 92 traffic looks pretty good. it should be a good time to do it. if you're driving on san jose,
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280 looks good. let's go back to the desk. silicone valley is buzzing about steve jobs is resigning as apple's ceo. jobs said he is no longer able to meet his duties as ceo. >> his goal and vision had always been to try to create things that were better and ease your to use and made people's lives better. >> they refer to it like we do a walt disney as a guy that could sell an idea, semia concept beyond anybody else at his time. >> certainly an amazing person. jobs resignation did not specifically mention his health which has been a concern after he battled cancer and web
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through a live transplant. tim cook will over and jobs will remain as a chairman. right now it looks like apple will trade down earlier. right now looks like it will open down 2%. this foggy bay area weather is coughing problems an that big paint job on the goalen gate bridge. >> reporter: blame the fog. it's another foggy morning out here. you take a look at it an we have the north tower. you can see the bottom half. this is a common sight out
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here. take a look at how wet it is 6789 the roadways are wet. here are some of the issues. we are dealing with salt water and salty area out here. the paint is important not only to make the bridge look gad #á good but deal with problems like that. we're talking about a project behind schedule because it is too wet to paint. the cables that hold the bridge up haven't been painted since they were first painted all those years ago. they want to do that now. you can't really get up there baa it's so wet. it's too wet and the point
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won't stick and it's not safe. the focus again is the cables ends up the bridges. they want to put up something on it. there's not much you can do. you just have to wait it out an with san francisco fog it could be a while. some restaurants are closing for the time being until tests can confirm the water is safe. they've been without water mononight. that's when a water pump was closed. health officials are advising restaurants there to boil water in the meantime. in overnight news, man is
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in custody after a police chase through the north bay. police were notified that the suspect was riding a motorcycle possibly drunk and armed with a handgun. he was spotted yesterday afternoon. they chased him on the highway 101. when they cornered him he dismied gun an threatened to shoot himself. >> we didn't know what he had. all we knew was we had an armed subject. >> he did surrender at 10:00 last night. deputies are out there searching for the gunman who robbed a woman in her home.
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it happened on saturday drive. three robbers knocked on the door and forced their way in an hit the woman on the head. so far no arrests have been made. the man who stole bat rolls from a san francisco poling session is expected to be released today. he stole items including some 75 ballots and an access key to a voting machine. he now has to serve three years probation which includes staying out of polling places on election day. it's back do school day at uc berkeley. tech anily you recollectc berkeley is about $60 million in the hole. yet the campus has enough money in serves to fill the cap for
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the next two years. uc berkeley is asking some of the country's largest foundation to help some students. a new state law allows public colleges and universities to offer private scholarships to students who came to the u.s. illegally. president obama supports laws lawing them to scene tool and become illegal immigrants. >> it was incredibly difficult for members of our community to feel like they could call the police without fear of other
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kinds of repercussions. >> san moe say police still incest they played a major role. today a state assembly meeting will vote on a bill to adate of birthish the death penalty here in california. hancock calls the death penalty policy in california a failure. he says the state is spending hundreds of millions dollars a year to keep more than 700 inmates on debt row. an aftershock rattled virginia late last night.
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engineers have spotted some more earthquake walks in the washington measuringo northboundument. that was in addition to the huge crack that was found right here the top. it will stay closed until the repairs are infished. palo alto has come up with a plan to fill its garages. the city proposes a new system of suns directing people to the garages. there will also be better pricing. a few ratios occupancy rates are only half to two hides
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full. we saw a little drizzle out there. >> reporter: it's windshield wiper weather. let's take a look another what we have. you can see traffic is busy here. you can kind of tell that the red lights are reprotecting off the pavement which means it's a bit wet. again, in the santa cruz mountains it looks pretty good. 17 looks okay if you are
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driving drive the lanes are close z. it's wetting the area of roadways out there. the cloud bank has expanded over a good portion of the region. we have some clouds out toward livermore. san jose 63 and livermore checking in. we will continue to cool off as the weather system moves in from the north. the beaches do clear out nicely and warm up. it's not happening this week.
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that is all reflected in today's forecast at 7:00. fog and drizzle out there. by 12:00 still close to fog. most areas coming down about 2 to 4 degrees from yesterday's high. clear lake 92. oakland in the lower 70s. liver mcore upper 80s. a look at your extended forecast with your week in few and warm up slightly as we head into the weekend. another weather check in a few minutes. there's an important court hearing for the doctor accused in the death of michael jackson. one of bay area's most
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troubling murder cases involved now. the long awaited evidence that led to the killer of jeanine harms. more traffic and weather straight ahead.
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investors and apple customers are wondering how the
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company will change now that steve jobs has stepped down as ceo. tim cook has been named to replace steve jobs permanently. jobs will remain the chairman of apple. barry bonds is set to return to a courtroom this morning. his attorneys will try to persuade the judge to allow out the obstruction charge. hurricane irene slammed into the bahamas this morning with widespread damage on two southern islands. irene should increase to a category 4 hurricane in the next day. we're hearing winds reaching more than 130 miles per hour. the u.s. is bracing for what's
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to come. >> reporter: good morning. this is a monster storm as you can see. residents all up along thest coast are preparing. the question is where might this make landfall, nobody knows. irene is a category 3 with winds up to 115 miles an hour. she could pick up speed, become a category 4 and that means winds that could be 130 miles per hour, pretty powerful when she reaches the coast of north carolina which could be they are not taking any chances there. there's been mandatory evacuations on the utter banks. residents and even some visitors are taking it in stride. >> caught a cramp. >> watching the storm as it
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tracks. seems to be sliding a bit to the east. hopefully it will pass us by. >> reporter: the storm is shown moving up along the coast by virginia and maryland. it's also possible she could be downgraded when she reaches that area sometime on sunday into monday. there still will be residual effects to areas all along the coast. >> lit be some significant impact from the storm in terms of rain a wind. >> reporter: this is 8 miles across. the actual hurricane itself is about the size of arizona. everybody in its path will feel some effect from irene.
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thank you very much. after ten long years the jeanine harms murder investigation is officially closed. lab results proved that maureen nesby killed the woman in 2001. her brother shot and killed him and then killed himself. the body has never been found. the manslaughter trial of dr. murray will begin next month. jackson died in june 2009 from an overdose. we don't have anything
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major just yet. let's go outside. i want to show you 101. it's a nice looking drive and we're checking in with chp and they are not giving us a lot to work with. this is a look now at the bane bridge toll plaza. this saturday at 5:00 the 49ers play the houston texas and the preseason game 5:00. that usually causes big problems for the bay bridge. on sunday the radars play the saints at the coliseum. remember this usually causes big traffic delays at both facilities. let's go do mark. >> reporter: the clouds
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regrouping overnight and producing some drizzle out there. you can see most areas in the upper 50s to the 60s. it will be cooler today. temperatures on the cool side right around the base. inland neighborhoods the temperatures will be warming back up but still cooler than yesterday. here is an update on hurricane irene moving through the bahamas. we always talk about the different forecast models. you want to look at it for the cluster. that gives you the track. winds right now 115 miles per hour. this could be category 4 later on this evening. very close to the north carolina coastline as we head
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into saturday. back here in the bay area, patchy fog. inland neighborhoods try to reach the mid # 0s to right around the 90-degree mark. most areas coming down two to four degrees from yesterday's reading. temperatures do call after slightly into friday warming up a bit as we head into the weekend. just a few minutes ago thelabor department announced worse news. analysts say about 8500 striking verizon workers are included in the total. collective brands, the company that owns payless shoes and
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stride rite kid shoes will close. about 350 of them will be shut down by the enof the year. so far the company is not saying which companies will be closed. today will announce its expending it's more local sites. its started operations in boise, idaho in june. we're still talking about that frightening armored car holdup. what happened during that deadly hail of gunfire? plus, why officials say the airport and bay area are flying high.
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welcome back. police say pierre daniel and his brother tried to rob the car has it pulled up. the female guard resisted and a
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gun battle broke out. the female guard was injured. her condition has not been released. both brothers had warrants in connection with another bank robbery in may. more air travelers flying through successfo. sfo. it's up almost 4% over the last fiscal year. it's coming up on 6:00. sal, a lot of people probably getting ready to he out the door. how does it look? >> reporter: looks pretty good. yoke see -- you can see that traffic is moving along nicely. at the bay bridge toll plaza it's still light. at 5:57, let's go back to you
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in the studio. continued reaction around the world to the news that steve jobs has resigned. how stock markets and apple customers are reacting plus how life will go on at apple without jobs. plus, putting a fresh look on the coalen gate bridge after 70 years. why this job is harder than expected. clouds are back with us. also some drizzle coming up. the temperature change you can expect for the day.
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